Child VBS Registration
Interested in attending Rocky Railways VBS at Grace Church on July 7-9th from 6pm - 8pm? Great! Please register all participating children by filling out the information forms. Contact Ebony with any questions:
Adult VBS Registration
July 7-8, 6pm - 8pm.
How can we live our faith in explosive ways? The older we get, the less fun we are supposed to have, right? Absolutely not! With so much attention going to making sure the kids are having fun this summer, we can forget to have our own.
This summer during VBS, we are going to have a two-day unique time (no kids allowed!) exploring dangerous faith. What does living dangerous faith look like? Come to adult VBS to see your faith and other things exploded.
Kingdom Servant Registration
Interested in volunteering to help lead this year’s VBS? We’d love to have you! Please register as a VBS Kingdom Servant by filling out the form.