ROCK Junior High Youth Group (Grades 6-8) 

Meets Wednesdays (September - May), 6pm - 7pm at Grace Church

Grace Church has experienced many years of thriving youth ministry through our ROCK  group and we are excited to see the different ways this program continues to grow and develop. We strongly believe in the importance of caring for and investing in the lives of the students who walk through our doors. This means, we make every effort to help students grow in their understanding of Jesus, in making wise choices when facing difficult circumstances and in being a good friend. We strongly believe students should have a safe, comfortable and fun place to explore a faith in Jesus - whether that means they’re encountering Jesus for the first time or strengthening an existing faith. 

How do we do this?

In several ways. We have fun. We play games. We laugh. And we make some pretty great memories while doing so. 

We teach the Bible. We believe the greatest resource available to us is the truth found in the Bible. We encourage students to learn how to use this resource and apply it to their everyday lives through a weekly Bible teaching and small groups. 

We have small groups. Small groups are a great way to respond to the night’s Bible teaching, to get tough questions answered, to wrestle with the difficulties of life, to find some encouragement and simply to learn how to be a good friend -- all while dialoging with an adult leader and student peers. 

We have a trustworthy leadership team. Luke Zandstra currently serves as the Grace Church Youth Director. He, along with a team of adult volunteer leaders, are passionate about ensuring your student is safe and has a space to grow in their understanding of the Christian faith and life as a middle schooler. Every adult leader goes through a background screening process. We also strive to keep parents as involved as possible. Parents are always welcome to join a Monday evening for a better understanding of how we operate. 

Sound interesting? Please contact Luke at or by calling 708-474-0180.